We offer a service to local Barrie businesses in which we create door hanger ads & distribute them to doors around the city of Barrie. We can deliver your ads to specific areas of Barrie and help you maximize exposure and boost sales.
Door hanger advertising is extremely effective. You likely have had some on your own door; most people come home, remove them from the door, place them on the table, view them several times prior to discarding them.
It’s no secret why they work…

This type of advertising is perfect for businesses, such as: restaurants, landscaping, real estate, home renovations, house cleaning, plumbing, roofing, snow removal, general contracting, HVAC, and much more. It’s a GREAT opportunity to get your business multiple exposures. The best part is, we take care of everything for you, including design, print and distribution!
Pros of Hanger Advertising
- Cheaper than postcards & direct mail
- Placement makes them hard to ignore
- Multiple exposures – more than one person is likely to see them
- Door hanger ads may seem more personal
- Measure results with promo codes
- Boost your sales!
What to Expect
- Email consultation providing all text and elements of ad
- 3 day design process with revisions, if needed. 300 DPI High resolution door hangers
- Guaranteed 30 day delivery to households in Barrie. In most cases, it will be much sooner
- Selection of distribution area
- Inclusion in our Directory
- Most Importantly – Results!
Door Hanger/Advertising Pricing
(Coupon codes not valid for Hanger advertising)

Tips for Advertisers
- Offer a coupon code to track results and get more customers
- Provide multiple contact options (e.g.: email, social media, phone number, etc.)
- Provide the benefits of your product/service
- Advertise current promotions
Barrie Distribution Area