
Designated Driving Service, Luduh, Barrie DD

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🗺️Barrie, ON
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If you’ve already driven somewhere &  need to get your car home, Don’t Worry about calling a taxi or an Uber or leaving your car overnight and  having to pick your car up the next day.

Just request a pickup from LUDUH we drive you and you car home.

#barriedd #luduh #letusdriveuhome #newmarketdd #torontodd

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Listing Owner Member Since: July 14, 2023
Luduh is one of 3 Designated driver companies approved, vetted and Licensed by the city of Barrie That means, we are allowed to pick you up in Barrie. Dont drink and drive, or party and drive. Keep our roads and families safe. Use a licensed DD service to get you home. Holiday parties are coming, pre book us to get you and your loved ones home, let your boss know we offer Party packages to get employees home safe after the Christmas party

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  1. Avatar photo
    Great Service for Barrie Downtown

    Thanks for joining our community and thanks for helping. We will be posting your ad to our social media channels in the coming days 🙂

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