
Black Mac 100% Pure asphalt Tar

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Sunny day tomorrow! Protect that driveway from all this harsh weather! Store bought sealants such as acrylic, cold tar emulsion, and water base sealants; all just paint the top of your asphalt product leaving it still dry underneath. During winter thaw, the store bought sealants will chip, peel and eventually flake off, and your asphalt underneath cracks.

Black Mac is the very substance that your asphalt pavement is made from. Which is a petroleum and oil base product, therefore when applied by method of low pressured sprayer to your asphalt driveway or parking lot, it does not just merely paint the top but rather penetrates (stains) the surface going deep into your asphalt, restoring its life, color, and esthetics’s, as well as giving it the protection and restoring your asphalt’s pavement to extend the life of it. 647 236 0780

October 29, 2018 1:53 pm

997654 days, 9 hours

Listing ID 1435bd748c1e2f5f 1285 total views, 1 today
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