
Dr. Seyedeh Neda Mozaffari, Naturopathic Doctor

Barrie Listing Details

🛣️18 Cundles Rd E , Unit 5
📮L4M 2Z5
[email protected]

About this Barrie Area Listing

Have you ever considered who may get a benefit from naturopathic care?

  • Healthy people who are looking to establish a healthier eating habits and lifestyle strategies to optimize their health or learn some preventative strategies for some common chronic diseases.
  • People with common and chronic health conditions who want to optimize the management of their health conditions in conjunction with their current conventional medicine therapies.

Dr. Seyedeh Neda Mozaffari, ND is a registered Naturopathic Doctor with The College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO) in good standing. She is passionate to support her patients to optimize their general well-being and reach their health goals through adjunctive natural therapies. She practices naturopathy in person and virtually in Midhurst, ON.

Dr. Mozaffari, ND Naturopathic Services:

  • Holistic practice approach
  • Diet & lifestyle counseling
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Prescribing Dietary Nutritional & Herbal Supplement with a therapeutic dosage and for a certain amount of time, if the need arises
  • Applying Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
  • Ordering some laboratory tests if the need arises

More questions about naturopathic care?
Dr. Mozaffari, ND offers a 15 min free naturopath meet and greet appointment prior to her 90 min naturopathic initial assessment. Many new patients believe this short discovery appointment provides them with the opportunity to ask their questions about naturopathic medicine and get themselves familiar with the general naturopathic approach to their health conditions and make sure if adding naturopathic care to their healthcare would be the right option for them or not?
Dr. Mozaffari, ND

Mozaffari Naturopathy and Wellbeing

Barrie Location: 18 Cundles Rd E, Unit # 5, Barrie, ON, L4M2 Z5

Innisfil Location: 1081 Innisfil Beach Rd, Unit#201, Innisfil, ON, L9S0N2

(647) 951-1503

June 29, 2023 2:45 am

999743 days, 8 hours

Listing ID 12762be43348ec27 3214 total views, 2 today
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Listing Owner Member Since: June 30, 2022
I am a passionate naturopathic doctor who enjoys supporting her patients to optimize their health and reach their health goals through adjunctive natural therapies. Naturopathic Services: Holistic Approach Diet and Lifestyle Counselling Prescribing Dietary Herbal& Nutritional Supplements Applying Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Ordering some Labratory Tests Areas of Focus: Supporting Men , Women, Digestive, Skin, and Thyroid health More questions about naturopathic care? You are welcome to book a 15 min free naturopath meet& greet apoointment Mozaffari Naturopathy and Wellbeing Barrie Location: 18 Cundles Rd E, Unit #5, Barrie, ON, L4M2Z5 Innisfil Location: 1081 Innisfil Beach Rd , Unit # 201, Innisfil ,ON L9S0N2 Online Booking: drmozaffarinaturopath.janeapp.com

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