These post-pads were stolen from the Bear Creek S.S. field last June. Please call the school if you’ve seen them. Perhaps they ended up in the forest nearby or in someone’s house. Thanks
As of late I have noticed that a lot of motorcycles have been parked on the sidewalks and at Fred Grant Square in the evenings. Wonder why the City and our police allow this. Also a lot of vehicles stop for long periods of time with their four ways going blocking traffic. This needs to be address and whom ever is running for council should think of this in their platforms to clean up downtown.
Olena Zhornyk is a registered acupuncturist and traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who lives and practices in Barrie. She offers a warm and welcoming, non-judgemental and completely safe environment. You can read more about her services below.
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Did anyone else in the grove Peel area have a man.. stop by with a really expensive car and knock on their door.. Claiming to have been robbed ( car wallet with $3000) he kinda creeped me out. Big guy.. Asking if I could check my security cameras. Late 30s to mid 40s..
Police on a manhunt I think. Talking about shutting down part of mapleview. Seen about 10 cops cars speeding towards mapleview
*Edit* think it is someone is distress as they are currently checking bridges for said person
*Edit* mapleview is no longer closed for those travelling that direction
Looking for veterinarian recommendations. We moved to Barrie last year and looking to get a vet for our pets. Looking for reasonably priced as well. Thanks!
My husband lost his cell phone last night at the Colts game. Of course it was dead. Does anyone know if there is a lost and found at the sadlon arena or how to contact them. I can't seem to find the right number online. Appreciate any help.
If anyone is wondering what the explosions are in tiffin/ brock area is, fully engulfed vehicle on flatdeck. At classic towing on tiffin street.