Has anyone had issues with Costco gas causing car issues?
Twice now we’ve had issues after filling up at Costco, once in Orillia and once in Barrie. Shortly afterwards our car started acting funny, threatening to stall, check engine light coming on, and eventually stalling and not starting.
Had the car towed to the dealership at one point and they said we had bad gas.
Grrrrrr 🤬
Way Not Cool City OF Barrie !!!
If you have a nice sports car avoid driving on Hanmer Street ... The new speed bumps are Way Too High & will scratch the F#$%&! out of the bottom of your car 😮
I'm Not Impressed !!!
I really want to thank u this person again alot she is so nice and we need more people like her name Lisa Jennings
I went to Costco to day and I have a limit on my bank card I for got about but had money in there but I went over my limit and my card would not work but this nice lady let me etraf her the money and she pay for it right way for me but the etraf did not go thow in tell about a hour or so later I was with my little one and was getting her stuff and stuff for the house and did not know it was going to be that much as going to get it. In tell she help me I thank her so so much .
Not really a Concern.
I live on St. Vincent street and I believe the person that use to live at my address still gets her mail sent here. Just thought I’d see if she’s on this Facebook group or if anyone knows her. I have a picture with her name, if she PM me I’ll get her to confirm the address and she can come pick up this envelope.
Her name is Natasha Carson 
My teenage son was hit by a car on his bike today riding on the sidewalk on Bayview as the person was turning into Park Place around noon. He was really shaken up and the person did stop and ask if he was ok but then left without giving any of their information and telling him to call his mom. Another person also stopped to help, but he let them leave without getting their information either. I've reported to the police but they say that without driver information, they can't do anything. They also say it is not a fail to remain because they did stop. His bike has some damage, but I think he is ok as he said he didn't fall on his head, but I'm really upset that a driver would hit a kid and then leave without making sure that a parent knew about it. If anyone saw this today or has any information, could you DM me?
My 13 year old child had a knife pulled on them and was threatened walking home at around 2:30 today by an older teenage boy asking for money. around 14-16 years old, a bit taller than 5'5", Blonde, Caucasian, blue hoodie, gray pants, dark blue backpack with a round black boombox inside. Riding a light blue scooter and hanging out with two other boys. Marsellus/Churchland area of Holly. If anyone has a camera facing the catwalk there and has footage please contact me or the police!