Free Food – Walmart delivery mix up and unfortunately no one will come back

Free Food - Walmart delivery mix up and unfortunately no one will come back to pick it up nor will we use all of this. Free to someone in need. Lots of milk 3 bags as well as 3 things of yogourt, zucchini, red onion etc. Pickup Cundles and Lillian Crescent as soon as possible and I’m running out of room in my fridge. Message me and happy to send address Source
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Incident date-18/Feb/2024

Incident date-18/Feb/2024 - Good day fellow residents, i am looking for help in identifying these 2 persons(MALE and a FEMALE) these two are absconding from barrie now, they are responsible for ASSAULTING me, I am an UBER driver and was driving these guys back home (PICKETT CRES) in barrie after they called an UBER and were pretty drunk. The MALE started yelling racial slurs at me in the car and full disrespectful behaviour towards me , i dropped them-183 PICKETT CRESCENT at their house, and then they attacked me, the MALE was mostly involved in assault, while his girlfriend(BROOKE) was just enjoying the scene, i was SERIOUSLY ASSAULTED, thrased in head, Strangled, Choked , I COULD HAVE died that night . And to make things worse The MALE ATTACKED MY CAR AND BROKE THE WINDSHIELD. I had multiple injuries and am still TRAUMATIZED by the effect of this incident. Now coming to the part of Barrie POLICE, i called them on the scene but they refused to come on the crime scene for …
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Missing may be in the downtown barrie area Family are concerned and worried

Missing may be in the downtown barrie area Family are concerned and worried about his safety. Police have been notified unfortunately Matthew is struggling with addiction and was clean 5 months before he disappeared please if you see him or know where he is please contact barrie police, 12 division in Toronto or his mother Deanna Macintyre 647-217-0741 please help us find Matthew his mother is worried sick Source
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Genuine Question (as a immigrant here in Canada)

Genuine Question (as a immigrant here in Canada) Do Canadians actually care about the weather / temperature as much as they talk about it at workplace every morning, or is it just a polite conversation starter that everyone has subconsciously agreed to and has been following since ages? Many a times if someone comes upto me and says a generic weather line ‘Oh it’s gonna rain today’ it gives me the vibe that this person does not necessarily want to talk to me personally hence is only giving out the most defacto everyday generic line to me? Am I wrong in thinking so? If yes, do correct me with elaborate rationale. Open to learning new. Source
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A reminder to the many complaining about the state of our city

A reminder to the many complaining about the state of our city: 70% of you could not be bothered to participate in the election of our mayor. Voting was even available online and took only a couple of minutes. Some may think that not voting is making a statement, but you still influence the result by virtue of inaction. If you are a Barrie resident over 18, you have the right to vote - exercise it. Source: Source
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