A little bird flew into my window. His one eye is bloody and looks like it's popped out. He is very aware but can't fly. Is there any bird rehab place that would take him that I can call?
We have this little dog...was posted outside our house. ( Scott Crescent)
He/She was tied to our step đ poor little thing is terrified. Whoever this pup belongs to please let us know if your wiling to pick up or if you don't want it then we need some info about it.
Do right by this little pup. Bring it home or let us give it a home
Hey not sure if I can post here but I need help to find my roommates dog he got loose somehow and was running off in Letitia area lost sight of him around Leacock and frost trail his name Fenrir and very shy to people also he still had his leash on. One of those blue extending leashes please message me if anyone hears or catches him thank you
Truck taken from Minesing 6:10 am Monday April 22. Silver Dodge Ram 2500 - stickers on three sides read Pearson Farms.
Call (705) 795-7971 if seen, police have been notified.
Hey everyone. I found this purse walking home on Yonge Street just by Gibby Gs. There was TD bank cards, an iPhone ( locked front screen) ,papers and a small amount of change. If this is yours can you inbox me or go to Budz for Less behind Gibby Gs
This is a long shot but if anybody finds a green budgie like the one in the picture and is able to catch him please send me a message. Dilly flew out the door earlier while his cage was being cleaned. He went missing near Gibbon-Layton cres area.
Yesterday (Wednesday April 17th) between 9:45am and 9:50am, my husband was hit by a gravel truck and trailer on Highway 11 going Northbound, just past Line 11.
He was travelling in the left hand lane when the gravel truck and trailer decided to move over from the right lane into the left, my husband tried hitting the brakes and honking but it was too late.
The gravel truck driver did hear his hoking and attempted to move back into the right lane however his trailer swing out and hit the front passenger side which sent my husband into the left lane guard rail.
After he hit the guardrail he tried to regain control to avoid going into oncoming traffic from the southbound lanes, and corrected himself however ended up bouncing back into the gravel truck and trailer again before hitting the guardrail and coming to a stop in the left hand lane just past line 11.
He was stuck in the left hand lane unable to exit the vehicle because the driver door was pinned against the guard…