Anyone recognize this majestic beast?

Anyone recognize this majestic beast? I am a cat lover to the highest degree, however this feline has been hanging out in my backyard stressing out my cats that are inside. Also, itā€™s pooping ALL THE TIME in my yard. Donā€™t know if this is some kind of gift or payment for use of the property, but Iā€™d much rather be paid in jelly beans. Does anyone know this gorgeous pooping machine? Please take him/her home. Source
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This cute cat was around Toronto St today near Hillcrest

This cute cat was around Toronto St today near Hillcrest and it really wanted to get inside our home, but unfortunately I canā€™t have pets in the house. She was really hungry and ate so fast when we gave her food. Nails are a little long, sheā€™s thin and got a cut on her right ear so Iā€™m assuming itā€™s been out there for a while now! šŸ˜¢ Thought Iā€™d post in case anybody recognizes this lovely kitty! Source
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