Hey everyone, just wanted to give anyone in the neighborhood of Anne Street North

Hey everyone, just wanted to give anyone in the neighborhood of Anne Street North a heads up our car was ransacked in broad daylight between 6-7pm tonight. We live a few houses up from Portage View public school. Nothing of value was taken, the fact my children and nieces were playing in my open back yard at the time is much more upsetting. I understand people checking cars has been a common issue around Letitia area in the middle of the night, but it was still bright out and on a busy street. It’s unsettling to say the least. I’ve filed a police report, but there wasn’t any damage so not much they can do/pursue. Just check your vehicles and keep an eye on your kiddos. Source
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We just had an 11 year old rob us. He is our neighbour’s kid

We just had an 11 year old rob us. He is our neighbour's kid. He has been to our kids birthday parties. But because he's under 12 we can't charge him and his mom is on ODSP so if we took them to small claims we wouldn't get anything anyways. We installed a camera after we had our garage broken into May 12. We are around the St.Vincent Grove street area. Cops came and at 10:30pm she retrieved the backpack. This kid has been hanging out with a kid that lives at Peel and Wellington in the townhouse where apparently the older brother steals and keeps stuff in a garage. We are still missing family ring -4 generations handed down and $171 but did get back our Bose speaker and old cell phone. Now, these kids always roam the streets no adult supervision. They are bored I get it. It says if you are ODSP if someone in your care is in custody you have to notify your caseworker. But since he's not in custody because of his age, she doesn't have to let them know. This is the 2nd time that …
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