My cat, Mewtwo, knocked the screen out of our kitchen window a week ago

My cat, Mewtwo, knocked the screen out of our kitchen window a week ago and has been missing since. He is an indoor cat and this is the first time he’s been outside since being rescued early last year. We’re hoping someone can find him and bring him home. He is very scared right now, if you see him, please be patient and let him come to you - we have seen him a few times since he’s been out but he run’s before we can get anywhere close. Lost in the JOHNSON/BLAKE area in Barrie! All white, fluffy cat, yellow eyes All help is appreciated! Thank you! - (any tips on how to get him home are also appreciated!) Source
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Anyone missing a cat? Assuming a girl, or a neutered male.

Anyone missing a cat? Assuming a girl, or a neutered male. Seems to be indoor cat, doesn’t look like it is handling outdoors very well. Walks a little weird, has a cut on his/her face. Black fur with a very visible red/brown tinge, and a small amount of grey hairs all over body. She/he is eating very well and drank water. Cannot bring home with me as I have cats myself. LAST SEEN IN BETWEEN 43 AND 41 IRENE DRIVE BARRIE. Currently (1:31pm) is hiding underneath wheelchair accessible porch at 41 Irene. Source
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