Driving down grove street and about to turn left on bayfeild, a white pick up

Driving down grove street and about to turn left on bayfeild, a white pick up truck, runs a red light on bayfeild, almost hits and suv and the swerves and drives down grove street almost hitting a school bus full of children and starts driving on the sidewalk on grove towards on coming traffic!!! Honestly, what is wrong with people lately???

If people really need to know I was the school bus driver trying to get out of the way of this white truck. No I did not get a plate number because I was trying to mess the white truck who is driving into oncoming traffic. The reason for my post is that I’m hoping either the SUV who almost got hit or somebody else may have a plate number or was able to call the police and update me. No need for rude comments lol. This group is for concerned citizens not rude comments


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October 12, 2022 10:25 am

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