Good morning friends of Fresh Food Weekly

Good morning friends of Fresh Food Weekly,

This morning I wanted to show you a testimonial from one of our program recipients. Last summer, on Aug. 11, 2022, I did a post about one of our 74-year-old recipients and a lot of people showed their concern for her so I thought it might be nice to let you all know how she’s doing. I also wanted to let you know that she is still struggling. So here’s what I posted about her on Aug. 11, 2022:

I’m starting to realize that most of us are simply not aware of what is going on in our own backyards. I just got off the phone with a 74-year-old woman who left me in tears. Her husband died 11 years ago and he owned a successful glass window installation company in Mississauga. Their son ended up taking advantage of her financially after her husband passed and this is not the first time I’ve heard of an adult child taking advantage of their vulnerable parent. He left her with nothing and now she’s living on a pension that doesn’t give her enough to eat or pay for necessary medical expenses.
In her response to my email blast, this is what she had to say:

“Life is a struggle and being 74, I wonder some days even why? It’s so sad when you need a pneumonia shot – which is $150 because you’re over 70, and to get a shingles shot is $185 and I need two of those. But I can’t afford to get any. How can one protect themselves?

To feel that you have to go to a food bank just so you can eat. I try so hard and pay my rent and pay so I can have TV. It’s sad because I don’t let anyone know how bad things get. I try and smile and say everything is okay. I don’t go out anywhere and I don’t drink – I just live from day to day. And when I can get to the food bank, I’m so thankful to get some food but it’s never enough. My one thing that gives me joy is my pup. She is nine-years-old and I cannot bare to part with her, even though I know it would save me a bit more money but I love her so much. I rescued her eight years ago but when you’re this lonely, I believe she’s the one who’s rescued me. I know there are so many who are worse off than me and I wish I could help them out.

I wish everyone well and some joy in their life. Thank you for all the good you do for so many.”

“…There’s gotta be somebody who can help”, she said as she started crying. But there isn’t any more help for her. Her husband isn’t around anymore and her son is the reason she’s in this position. Obviously I’ve put her on the meal box program…

Yesterday I asked her to do a testimonial and this is what she said:

“Hi Leah, I just wanted to tell you how much of a difference you have made in my life. As a recipient of your kindness in your food that I receive. To be able to have fresh vegetables and fruits and dairy products. As a senior, after you pay for your bills, it is almost impossible to go and get any of the above. To know that someone cares. The food is always so fresh and I can make some nutritious meals.

I would love to say a big Thank You to all the companies that make this possible for so many of us who would not enjoy a good meal. Also, I cannot say enough to all those who volunteer their time to help you make this possible. Leah, you have made such a difference in my life and so many others with all you do, going out and talking to groups and anyone who wants to know what can be done when you work together. I also thank those that take their time to deliver the food to us. I know I can only give them a hug to show how much it means .

If anyone can help Leah I’m any little way to make things better it will make the world of difference in someone’s life as it has in mind.

Thank you Leah for all your work and making me believe once again there are people who really care.”

This woman is still in the exact same financial position she was a year ago and she is still struggling to eat. It’s unlikely that things are ever going to change for her and unfortunately this rings true for thousands of families here in Barrie and Innisfil. Things are actually getting a whole lot worse because of rising food prices.

If you’re in a position to help this woman, or others just like her, you can sponsor a low-income family for only $55 a month. This include two deliveries of fresh and locally sourced food valued at $120-$180 (between the two deliveries, depending on the time of year), delivered right to their front doorsteps.

I can also provide you with a charitable tax receipt for any donation you can provide, as Fresh Food Weekly is run through The VanDyck Foundation, which is a registered charity.

If you’re able to make a donation, you can send an e-transfer to: [email protected] or you can donate by credit card or PayPal on the website: . If you would like to donate by e-transfer and want a tax receipt, please send me an email at the same address so I can get your details for the receipt. If you donate through the website, we’ll ask you if you’d like a charitable tax receipt upon check out 🙂.

Thank you for helping us take care of the most vulnerable in our community.



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