Hello! If you or someone you know was struck by a vehicle today, August 25th

If you or someone you know was struck by a vehicle today, August 25th, while travelling down Essa Road on your bicycle….. I witnessed the entire incident and was able to follow the vehicle. I have spoken with the police and provided a statement with description of the vehicle and their license plate number. They have located the driver, but without the cyclist they are limited on their ability to do much. I heard the impact, and thankfully it was the back of your bike and you were not injured and rode away, but there must be damage to your bike based on what I saw and heard. Even if not, please contact the police and report it. People can not get away with this type of behaviour and disregard for others. Next time they may actually hurt someone or even worse.

I know the picture isn’t very good, but it was what I got while following him. ****black Mazda hatchback. White male, mid to late 20’s.


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August 26, 2023 8:37 pm

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