Hi there i was just curious if anyone seen the Rats at the Kozlov mall?

Hi there i was just curious if anyone seen the Rats at the Kozlov mall? I walked there around 11pm the other night to meet my girlfriend after work and there was DOZENS of rats all over the place. In the garbage cans, running down the sidewalk, in the bushes, it was nuts!
There was at least 8 stuck in the garbage can and they were panicking to get out when I walked up on them.

It looked like a mix of rats and mice or possibly just juvenile rats. But they were 100% rats and not field mice. They ended up taking residence in the bush by Urban Planet.

I’ve never seen rats around there and I’ve lived on kozlov for 20 years. It was absurd! Lmao

(Only manged to get a quick glimpse of this little one, they ripped through the garbage bag and were running inside the can.)


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September 24, 2023 7:39 pm

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