I’m a Barrie resident since 2008. One of my hobbies is metal detecting

(Not a concern)

I’m a Barrie resident since 2008. One of my hobbies is metal detecting. “BountyFisher” is an alias I use in social media, it combines the names of the first two metal detectors I used. I’ve been doing it on and off since I was a teen. Due to age, I do it now mostly for exercise and therapeutic reasons (the outdoors is my happy place).

I am seeking permissions to detect on properties, large acreage or farm fields. I am wiling to work out any arrangement with the land owner to split finds in a mutually agreeable manner. I am a responsible, ethical individual who has always put my best foot forward in any hobby I pursue. If you have ever wondered what kind of history is on your property, or even if you want to further your understanding of family generational history on a property passed-down for many generations, please feel free to reach out by posting in this thread or reaching out to me by PM.

Over the years I have helped many people reconnect to lost family heirlooms and appreciate your time in reading this post and for your consideration.


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October 4, 2023 7:49 pm

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