Just a little PSA to those of you that are using the detour on rose street

Just a little PSA to those of you that are using the detour on rose street here in barrie since grove and duckworth are closed. It goes from a 50km to a 40Km when you turn down rose street please watch the signage, there are a lot of kids on this street including my own plus people out walking their dogs. The amount of cars that I have been seeing speeding down my street the last hour is appalling. Also to add those of you that are turning from St. Vincent to go up grove and then go down blue mound drive to rose st to head to duckworth *** There is a stop sign*** USE IT!! multiple of cars are blowing through that stop sign. I’m not just posting this for myself but I want to make sure no one gets hurt. Let’s all remember to slow down a little.


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July 18, 2023 6:22 am

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