LETITA HEIGHTS !! Someone broke into 2 of our vehicles last night


Someone broke into 2 of our vehicles last night … ya ya “make sure your doors are locked” mine normally is.

Make sure you check yours. They went in the passenger door and left it slightly open.

But they stole my wallet. Tried to use one of my credit card at the petro Canada on Dunlop and ferndale. I got a text at 5:10 so not sure exactly what time they stole it. Between 10 and 5 I guess.

I am looking to see if anyone finds a wallet. Or health cards for 1 adult and 3 kids(one has passed away). As well as kids debit cards with their pictures on them.

I honestly don’t know what else I had in there as I don’t use it often. Just keep it in my car so I always have our stuff.

I’ll attach a picture of what my wallet looks like.


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June 8, 2024 7:06 pm

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