My dog was attacked/injured today at the Barrie Mapleview dog park

My dog was attacked/injured today at the Barrie Mapleview dog park by one of two collie type dogs, and I know who the owners are/made it known to them and they didn’t really seem to care.
They did not offer to pay, nor did they think they would be or are responsible to pay for the $800 vet bill we will now be facing. They told us the dogs must’ve “tumbled” but we were watching them just chasing each other and then all of the sudden MY dog was screaming and limping. They told us my dog would be “fine” and to just “wash out it” and then just left😂. No info given or offered. You people know who you are and you WILL be paying for this. It doesn’t matter if it’s accidental and I could care less, if YOUR dog hurts another animal YOU ARE LIABLE. End of story.
Barely take our dog to the dog park as is because things like this occur all too often, but NEVER had an issue in the last 2 years. I am absolutely fuming.
If you were at the dog park today around 230/3pm- ish and witnessed this or spoke to my mother and I, I would greatly appreciate a dm/testimony. Thank you.


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September 29, 2023 7:18 pm

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