On Wednesday June 26th at about 6:45 pm I had a slip and fall in the parking lot

On Wednesday June 26th at about 6:45 pm I had a slip and fall in the parking lot of the Food Basics on Essa Road. I was grabbing a few quick items while my mother-in-law was visiting from out of town.
My wallet and phone flew out of my hands and was out of my reach. I was flat on my stomach and could not move. My ankle was severely injured, and I was certain it was broken due to the pain I was experiencing.
SO MANY wonderful people stopped to help me. A woman who was walking behind me asked me if I was okay (before I started screaming) and phoned 911. Another woman got my wallet and phone and called my husband to let him know what happened. A man who says he was a fireman (or retired fireman … can’t remember) helped me get turned over and elevated my ankle. A woman holding her newborn baby said she was a nurse and was instructing people what to move and what not to move – asking me if I hit my head or not.
And all these people helped and waited with me in the pouring rain!!! And imagine my surprise when the ambulance arrived, and it was a fellow St Joe’s Jaguar who was the paramedic! Hahaha
My ankle wasn’t broken but rather dislocated! The large burly nurse who saw me at RVH said, “girl, you are going to WISH it was broken!” So I’m in a cast until July 11 when I have my follow up appointment.
The whole ordeal restored my faith in humanity and reminded me why we live in this beautiful city – because of the beautiful souls that live here! If you are one of the people who stopped to help, please reach out to me directly. I would really like the opportunity to thank you directly.


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