Tips for Increasing your Ad Results

Here are some tips for increasing the results of your ads on

Increase your Results
  • Use exclusive coupons (Example: Use coupon code: Barrie for 15% off, valid for first time customers). Not only will this increase viewers willing to take action but it will also allow you to track results better. The higher the first time discount the better as your goal should be customer retention and losing a little bit of profit vs. the life span of the customer is definitely worth the first time customer discount.
  • Make your promotions time sensitive. (Example: For the month of December you can save 15% off by using coupon code: December). Once again you can track results. To improve results try offering more of a discount for first time customers.
  • Offer holiday targeted promotions. (You can edit your ad on our site anytime you want at no charge.)
  • Create a banner/image creative with the discount in it.
  • Make sure you filled out as many details about your business as you can.
  • Make sure to create a profile picture to stand out more.
  • Share your ad on social media. The more views the ad gets the more it it stands out within the site.
  • Editing your ad will give you higher placement within the Recent Ads section of the site.
  • You can purchase ad bumps, featured ads, highlighted ads, etc within the dashboard area.
  • Make sure to take advantage of the keyword tags within your ad. Adding 3 is suggested. (Example: Barrie mortgage agent, Barrie Ontario mortgage broker, Mortgages Barrie Ontario)
  • Make sure to add your business address so it shows within the Ad Map.

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By BarrieAds

BarrieAds has been helping businesses in the Barrie since 2016. Register FREE and have your ads listed in minutes!.

November 23, 2023 9:57 am

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