Around 9 pm last night my family including child were startled by a huge bang

Around 9 pm last night my family including child were startled by a huge bang by our front door. We quickly jumped . Our child was extremely terrified..screaming and crying (toddler). As our child I believe seen someone but but we looked and there was nobody around so we continued on with our evening. This morning as my partner left for work he noticed that somebody had actually attempted to kick in our front door!!!..they would have opened the screen door first to do this…. It’s off its hinges. Were a little shookin up knowing someone may have attempted to break into our home.

We are wondering if this has happened to anyone else in the area.. Grove/Peel.
We are are a normal family and can’t think of anyone who would do this or why we would be a target for anything like this.


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July 22, 2024 6:58 pm

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