The Barrie Police Service is warning the public with regards to a scam

The Barrie Police Service is warning the public with regards to a scam that appears as a posting selling patio furniture on a popular social media platform. Buyers should never e-transfer money to hold or secure items before actually seeing them or meeting with the seller first. Thank you to a concerned citizen who made us aware of this information. Source
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Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie specifically The Trauma Program runs a monthly

Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie specifically The Trauma Program runs a monthly STOP THE BLEED® course, and they have asked to team up with Canadian Blood Services for an event. We are hopeful that this may become an annual event in the spring and perhaps again in the fall to help increase blood inventories at these important times of the year for RVH and to bring awareness and a skillset that this course offers. Here is the official STOP THE BLEED® site, specific to the course: The eligibility window for a discounted course with blood donation is April 1-May 15!&&p=e2839d6c36270a74JmltdHM9MTcxMDI4ODAwMCZpZ3VpZD0wM2E4ODg5ZC1lNTBiLTYyZmItMzU4NS05YjljZTRhMTYzYmImaW5zaWQ9NTMwMQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=03a8889d-e50b-62fb-3585-9b9ce4a163bb&psq=stop+the+bled+RVH&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9wdGhlYmxlZWQuY2Ev&ntb=1 Source
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Well the ” Battle of the Bakeries Barrie” in under way

Well the " Battle of the Bakeries Barrie" in under way. The bakeries are competing to bring in the most blood donations over the next few months from April 1- July 6th, 2024. If your bakery or you know of a bakery that would be interested please reach out to me so we may together make all the difference to patients in need. Last year the bakeries together saved 72 lives during the summer battle and Jay’s Sticky Buns won the challenge. May the best bakery win!! Join your favourite bakery by registering to donate blood at, go to the Partners tab, type in your bakery to support and join the team. Book an appointment anytime between now and July 6th to help your favourite bakery win. If you don't join their team your favourite bakery wont have your donation count towards their total and they wont know you supported them so be sure to join your favourite bakery team today and book to donate blood this spring. Go Bakeries of Barrie!!! Jay’s Sticky Buns, Fox's Baker…
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