It is quite amazing at how much the Local Community has reached out.

It is quite amazing at how much the Local Community has reached out. We received these 8, Brand new inflatables from someone who wishes too remain anonymous. We also had a few of our neighbour's reach out and offer their support and donations as well. We are very grateful for all of the support. These new beauties will be going up Saturday morning. We are, as stated, forever grateful to our Community and Thankful to everyone. Source
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I wanted to share what happened to us early Monday morning.

I wanted to share what happened to us early Monday morning. Myself and my kids were jerked awake by the sound of the carbon monoxide detectors in the early hours. I quickly got the kids and our pets outside as I called 911. When emergency services arrived they found my house was filled with carbon monoxide. We all got out safely and now my furnace is being replaced. I have inline carbon monoxide/smoke detectors on each floor and 2 battery operated detectors. 4 out of the 5 detectors worked. We are alive to tell this story. I get my furnace cleaned yearly and I change my filters every quarter. I hadn’t had my fall cleaning yet because of the nice weather. They would have detected that there was an imminent failure issue. As it turns out we had been experiencing the effects of carbon monoxide exposure for weeks but didn’t equate them to CO exposure. Headaches, dizziness, tired, upset tummies, mental fog etc. I’m sharing our story to tell you to check your batteries, check t…
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