Pleaseee if anyone has seen this kitty or possibly has him, could you please contact me

Pleaseee if anyone has seen this kitty or possibly has him, could you please contact me !!!! He has been missing since September 25th from the dunlop an Anne street area. His name is buddy, he is very affectionate and sweet but may be a little scared as this is the longest he has been away from home. He is neutered and just really want him back. He is my little girls kitty and she misses him sooo much. We have been out looking for him with no luck. Almost thought we had him back as the spca had a kitty brought in who looked just like him but was not him :( my little girl and all of us just want our buddy home. Please if you have seen him or have him please please please message me. Thank you soooo much any help will be greatly appreciated :) the first picture is our buddy, the second picture is the kitty we thought was buddy but wasn't. Even have the nose marking lol Source
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Anyone know what school bus turns off Essa to Fairview at 8am?

Anyone know what school bus turns off Essa to Fairview at 8am? The driver decided to push me over into on coming traffic (I was at the front of the bus on the left with a car right in front. The bus decided they wanted my lane and so pushed me over . Almost had a head on with a truck which if it wasn't for quick thinking I would have.) I didn't get the buses plates but that driver should not be driving with kids endangering people. If someone knows that bus let me know so I can report them to the proper school district/have their license suspended Source
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Yesterday between 2-3:30 pm someone took a folding table with books on it.

Yesterday between 2-3:30 pm someone took a folding table with books on it. I have a little library that I fill with books for the neighbourhood to enjoy. Over the weekend I put out a table with dozens of books and a free book sign. The table had tons of visitors, some taking books some leaving some. Then yesterday someone stole the table with the remaining books leaving my free book sign behind. Who does this kind of thing? I have posted signs on my lawn asking for my table to be returned. Who knows if they will happen but I need the table for thanksgiving!! Located on Esther dr. If anyone knows someone who is bragging about getting a folding 6’ table please ask them to return it!! Source
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Can anyone tell me what I can try? I’m beyond annoyed. It’s an every day thing.

Can anyone tell me what I can try? I’m beyond annoyed. It’s an every day thing. I’ve given up trying to pick it all up because it’s just the same nonsense the next morning. I’ve tried mint, bleach, amonia, repellant, noise sticks you put in the ground to scare them off, left my outside light on, bungy cords to keep the life shut but my life are distorted from teeth marks and been chewed. I think the only thing I haven’t tried at this point is poison. It’s only ever my bins and I’m assuming it’s because of the baby diapers but you can’t put it in anything else. My neighbours are getting mad because it’s always like this every single morning and I’m just annoyed myself. Source
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My gf car was broken into last night oct 1 by the Manhattan area. Ferndale and Dunlop

My gf car was broken into last night oct 1 by the Manhattan area. Ferndale and Dunlop area. All the stuff that was taken for cards and stuff. Really need back the computer. Its work computer and the usb drives. None of this stuff is useful to the individuals or person that took this stuff. If anyone hears something or see computer laying around. Message me here Any information would be greatly appreciated. Source
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I wake up this morning to find my car has been broken into and my stuff rummaged

I wake up this morning to find my car has been broken into and my stuff rummaged through. The vehicle smells horribly like stale cigarette smoke, which tells me they sat in my car for awhile as they went through my papers and glove compartment 😡🥺. As far as I can tell, nothing was taken except for a couple of chocolate bars I had bought for my friend's son. I feel so violated and scared. I lived in the inner city of Toronto for years and I've never encountered such brazen and disgusting low lifes. Since we moved to this city, our door has been tampered with and the locks picked, our icicle lights that we hung in our back deck were cut, and several personal items have disappeared. I am both angered and saddened that this is happening but mostly I'm just scared! Nobody should be fearful in their home. I think my family and I have to rethink our decision to live here. Source
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