Pleaseee if anyone has seen this kitty or possibly has him, could you please contact me !!!! He has been missing since September 25th from the dunlop an Anne street area. His name is buddy, he is very affectionate and sweet but may be a little scared as this is the longest he has been away from home. He is neutered and just really want him back. He is my little girls kitty and she misses him sooo much. We have been out looking for him with no luck. Almost thought we had him back as the spca had a kitty brought in who looked just like him but was not him đ my little girl and all of us just want our buddy home. Please if you have seen him or have him please please please message me. Thank you soooo much any help will be greatly appreciated đ the first picture is our buddy, the second picture is the kitty we thought was buddy but wasn’t. Even have the nose marking lol