Just a heads up that I went to McDonald’s downtown on dunlop and that my friends

Just a heads up that I went to McDonald’s downtown on dunlop and that my friends and I noticed a meth pipe on the ground after we got up we saw the pipe on the ground and one of my friends got upset and the staff at McDonald’s said they would deal with it in a few minutes, my concern is that what if you were with your own kids or children and saw that or you child picked it up. Is there not a safety consumption site downtown and are people just okay with other people using in there restaurants and not caring about it… Source
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tonight as I was stopped at the intersection on Mapleview that enters onto the 4

tonight as I was stopped at the intersection on Mapleview that enters onto the 400 northbound a man approached my car at a red light knocking on my window trying to get me to roll down my window to ask what street I was on. Instantly my gut told me to make sure my doors were locked and to obviously not roll down my window since I found it weird that he had a working phone in his hand, he could have simply looked it up or literally turned his head up to see the street signs. Once he realized that I was not going to roll down my window to talk to him he quickly left. I wanted to post this a reminder for women of barrie to stay safe and keep a keen eye out for weird things happening, I hope no one else has had this happen to them Source
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What is with the rush to get on the ramp for the highway?

What is with the rush to get on the ramp for the highway? I cross as a pedestrian 5 days a week at the on ramp on mapleview just past barrieview dr. And today a driver in a redish colour pickup truck drove around me, I was already a quarter of the way across on my green light and when I looked up in shock at nearly being run down, I was dismayed that it was another couple and he gives me a wave thanks, as if I had waved him through. Last week same scenario with some kid. The week before it was someone else. I have been nearly hit a minimum of 3 times a week for years now. Why do drivers think they own the road, it is actually the law that when it's the pedestrians green light, the driver before making the turn must wait till they are safely across the street and on the opposite curb before making the turn. I'm so tired of nearly being hit! Drivers, slow down, let the pedestrian cross safely and be respectful of them. Source
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Saw a gentleman who fell yesterday morning at 9 am on Johnson. My son and I have

Saw a gentleman who fell yesterday morning at 9 am on Johnson. My son and I have been thinking of him ever since. If anyone happens to know him, could you possibly just let me know he's okay ? 🥺 Thank you! ❤️ Edit - I was driving with my son, as soon as we saw what happened I pulled over. We went to check on him, no response. I called 911 and waited until they came. I shouldn't have to explain, but I'm not appreciating being called out for not helping. :/ Source
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Just woke up this morning and 2 of my cars were broken into they used tools

Just woke up this morning and 2 of my cars were broken into they used tools to get in all the tint on the passenger and drivers side is scratched, doors were locked, located on eden ***Update*** Our neighbour had a camera a few doors down and our house was targeted the guy seemed to be wearing a red or orange hoody with a black back pack and red shoes he only went to our house and walked off a few minutes later. Very scary definitely since I have a baby on the way!!! Source
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We live in the south west end of Barrie and today I came out to my driveway to find

We live in the south west end of Barrie and today I came out to my driveway to find a large smear of ink on my door handle. Definitely wasn’t me by mistake. I don’t see any other handles with this and I don’t want to be paranoid. Wondering if anyone has noticed markings like this on their vehicles. Source
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