Someone hit my car and didn’t even bother to leave a note.

Someone hit my car and didn’t even bother to leave a note. Unfortunately, my dash cam only turns on when my car is already on. When this happened it was well into the night while we were asleep. Come on people you’re better than this 😕 it’s not so bad that it’s very noticeable but it’s super upsetting. I won’t let it ruin my weekend though. I’ll just get it painted over I guess… I live in an apartment and will keep watch of people who might have a scratch 👀 Source
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Hi Everyone, Please no judgement I feel very down I must have forgotten to lock my door

Hi Everyone, Please no judgement I feel very down I must have forgotten to lock my door last night and I am usually very on top of this but two guys broke into my car last night and stole our spare house key and our mail key I’m posting the video below if anyone else near Gross and Pringle park experienced this last night or additional video evidence please let me know anything will help right now. Source
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Hi everyone. Me and my housemate got 2 packages stolen today from farmstead cres

Hi everyone. Me and my housemate got 2 packages stolen today from farmstead crescent we have this video of them stealing the package from our porch at 2:35pm, likely coming home from school. The contents of the package are for a birthday this Thursday and I would really like them back. Video of the kid and the contents of one of the package for reference Source
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