Targeting doesn’t just have to be about geolocation

Targeting doesn't just have to be about geolocation. The newbie advertiser tends to focus mainly on geolocation targeting and interest based targeting. There are so many ways to target markets nowadays and this blog post is going to showcase another way to target and how to optimize geolocation campaigns as well.

Here are some things I have implemented that increased my conversions upon geolocation targeting campaigns. This method works great if your offer/service is available worldwide. It also works if you are targeting a specific city/country.

Optimizing Landing pages for Targeting

As you can see in the example below, I am targeting Italy and for that I built out a custom landing page in which the Italian users are shown an Italian flag and "Join Italy members earning on Sweeba". I increase my conversions ten fold by building out these types of campaigns for multiple countries. The transition from ad to landing page is fluent. In this case th…

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