Is anyone missing their cat? Very friendly cat, looks young near mapleton and marsellus
Is anyone missing their cat? Very friendly cat, looks young near mapleton and marsellus . It has been coming to our door recently looking for food. Every time we fed it our cat’s food, it would finish off the bowl so I suppose it’s hungry. It still isn’t friendly enough to trust us to come […]
Ferndale and Dunlop west – no way to get around heading towards the dump on Ferndale
Ferndale and Dunlop west – no way to get around heading towards the dump on Ferndale Source
Until December 2nd you can save 60% off on Barrieads.ca advertising
Until December 2nd you can save 60% off on Barrieads.ca advertising as part of our yearly Black Friday sale. Use code: BFSALE, at checkout. Sale starts on the 7th of November. Source
Hello everyone, just wanted to mention so everyone can be mindful and cautious.
Hello everyone, just wanted to mention so everyone can be mindful and cautious. My car was broken into last night. I stayed at my boyfriends and he lives just off of Johnson Street near RVH. The door was locked. I did have valuable items but nothing was taken. Just a huge mess and broken glass. […]
Wondering if anyone knows who may be the owner of this cat?
Wondering if anyone knows who may be the owner of this cat? Near Emma king school, daily this cat is terrorizing my cat and as you can tell it is stressing her out.. ( closing the curtains doesn’t help as my cat just moves them ) With colder weather approaching perhaps it’s best that the […]