SEO for Barrie Small Business

Are you keeping up with SEO for your local business in Barrie? In the ever changing landscape, it can be a challenge for small business owners to do so. For most, it can be a challenge due to not being hands on with technology or maybe the lack of time.

Local search can result in upwards of 85% of your businesses website traffic. This is a lot of potential customers! To help with your optimization, we have compiled some tips below.

Links from Local directories can help with your websites page rank. Submit your business to our directory.

Optimization Tips

  1. Optimize your business for Google My Business.
  2. Improve your websites internal linking structure.
  3. Optimize title tags, URL, headers, content and meta description.
  4. Create local relevant content.
  5. Relevant page titles. (Name your about us page “About Us” and NOT “page 1” or “learn about our business”. Keep it simple but relevant. Search engines love it!
  6. Avoid duplicate content. Search engines hate it!
  7. Avoid invisible text and keyword stuffing. (placing keywords for no reason other than to appease search engines).
  8. Ensure your website is mobile friendly.
  9. Avoid redirects unless properly done.
  10. Image optimzation. (image name reflects image content with proper alt tags)
  11. Make sure your name, phone number and address are the same on your website as your Google My Business.
  12. Get inbound links that are relevant, local and have authority. You can get a free one by listing your business in our barrie directory here.
  13. Engage on social media. Google considers social media content more now than they ever did. Stay relevant in your space by staying active.

If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to turning up on page 1 of the Google results for your local Barrie business. Page 2 is not good enough in most people’s eyes, as the well known joke implies, if you want to hide a dead body, you simply hide it on page 2 of Google.

Aim for page 1 and don’t be found dead on page 2.

Submission into our Directory can help…

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By Barrie

BarrieAds has been helping businesses in Barrie and the Simcoe County since 2016. Send us a message to see what we can do for you!