Leticia area … our cars got broken into last night. 3 of them. Just a heads up

Leticia area ... our cars got broken into last night. 3 of them. Just a heads up PSA And they left us some lighting and utensils!! *pic* Gee thanks. ... and yes, one was a new RAM. Get cameras, police did nothing. **Update** RAM door is bent and glass is covered in handprints. Let's see if the police will do something NOW Source
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Opossum in my backyard last night. I’ve lived in Barrie more than 20 years

Opossum in my backyard last night. I’ve lived in Barrie more than 20 years and never seen one. Feel pretty lucky. It looks totally chill. Pretty ugly little thing though. Unfortunately it didn't play dead when it saw my cat through the sliding glass door. The picture doesn't do it justice, it’s pretty fat compared to the pictures. Almost the size of an adult cat. Anyway… god bless! Source
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UPDATE: I contacted Procyon Wildlife and spoke with a wonderful woman named Donna

UPDATE: I contacted Procyon Wildlife and spoke with a wonderful woman named Donna, she is requesting I put it in a box or small cage and bring it into Procyon Wildlife in Beeton. Unfortunately I do not personally drive and am unable to do this. Is there anyone that would be able to do this please? Can anyone help or direct me to help please. This squirrel is in the soccer field area of The Hickling Park here in Barrie. He is not visibly injured however is breathing and has been here since 8am this morning. He has not moved. Source
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Y’all need to be running to shop at Centra instead of the major stores. Why?

Y'all need to be running to shop at Centra instead of the major stores. Why? This whole shop cost me $170 total. 80 of it on dry goods like oats/oatmeal/breads/spices/canned goods, and the rest is fresh fruit veg (blackberries are 2 for $3.99!) and meats. 3L of veg oil is on for $10 rn. They have $6-10 whole chickens, other cut chicken is 2.99-3.99/Ib, the lean ground beef was on special for 4.99/Ib if I remember. There's a HUGE selection of frozen fish from 4.99/bag of four filets (I've never seen Galen's Loblaws/NoFrills sell that for less than $10!!). This place is amazing and I'm never shopping anywhere else (other than to get the one or two specialties they don't carry the exact brand for). Source
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Can we talk about the Tim’s drive-thru at the Barrie South GO?

Can we talk about the Tim’s drive-thru at the Barrie South GO? Who on earth designed this thing? On your way into the drive-thru line from Yonge, you’re competing with people entering/exiting the drive-thru itself, the Tim’s parking lot, and the cars exiting the Mr. Lube. Not to mention you’re blind from cars coming in off St Paul’s until you’re pretty much in the line itself. They should just restrict access from Yonge St altogether and divert the line up to St Paul’s. Source
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