Is there some sort of protocol on how we put our recycling out?

Is there some sort of protocol on how we put our recycling out? Every Bloody Recycling Day I have like 2-3 neighbor’s crap in my driveway and most the time they don’t recycle right it’s full of like random crap so it gets rejected then ends up on my lawn at times….

And yes the guy on the right is one them AirBNB’s…. They also don’t put it together they use both sides of their driveway to put their recycling in so I assume the driver got pissed with that and thought it was mine and that idiot even acted like it was not his…

I always put mine on the driveway to respect other peoples grass / space…. But IDK what to do because the AirBNB people don’t use brain cells lol.


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September 19, 2024 1:34 pm

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