My parked vehicle was hit between last night and this morning

Hi All…

My parked vehicle was hit between last night and this morning (Tuesday November the 7th and Wednesday November 8th) at the corner of Nicklaus’s dr and Hanmer st east in Barrie.

If you know of who may have done this or who maybe missing a piece of their bumper or fender I would really love to have a chat with them 😀. The other vehicle seems to be black as well (see piece on ground from photos)

As I’m not about “getting people in trouble” priority would be to give them the chance to pay for the damages like a decent human being and leave the police/insurance out of it… if they don’t want to cough up I’ll deal with it in my own way 😎

The vehicle was pushed forward about 6 inches… the fender, plate, plate holder, rear door and exhaust all have damage.

Thanks in advance!


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November 8, 2023 10:18 am

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