Don’t forget about Search Engine opimization

The internet world is quite extensive in terms of avenues to take to build your business growth. Whether you own a large business or a small business, SEO will be something you NEED to spend some time on. The better your SEO, the more likely you are to be found within search engines organically. I mean... who doesn't want free traffic to their business every month that is laser targeted. Bellow you will find a few tips to help you get started on your SEO journey.

SEO Tips Do keyword research and find a couple keywords/keyphrases to focus on. Post relevant content regularly. Make use of meta tags. Create a sitemap for the search engines to crawl. You can also submit it via your Goolge webmaster console. Use keywords within page titles and URLs. Obtain backlinks from site in your field or location. Do speed tests on your websites pages. Faster load time will increase your SEO ranking. You can use free to do so.

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