There is nothing soft or pretty about the current labour market in Barrie.

There is nothing soft or pretty about the current labour market in Barrie. It’s hard out there!
Do you want to increase your confidence AND show on your resume that you have already put in the work to develop the skills all employers want, but don’t train for?
Sign up for the Soft Skills Solutions© program ASAP before this free class goes on HIATUS after this next running!
Want to see what the previous class said after they completed the course? Just go here:

Intake must be completed by May 6……..why not give yourself a break and gain an edge at the same time?

#LiteracyON #communitybasedlearning #SoftSkillsMatter


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By BarrieAds

BarrieAds has been helping businesses in the Barrie since 2016. Register FREE and have your ads listed in minutes!.

April 30, 2024 2:06 pm

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