TRIGGER WARNING, ATTACK! I was hoping I could find a guy named TJ here.


I was hoping I could find a guy named TJ here. I’m not sure about last names or anything but he helped my fiancé and I out when we got attacked last night in the Walmart parking lot on Bayfield st last night around 9pm. I wanted to hopefully reach out to him and thank him for staying with us until the police got there and to give the police officer a statement.

My fiancé and I were attacked by a man in a truck with who I assume was his girlfriend. The man tried hitting us twice with his truck, after the second time, my fiancé started to yell at the man in the truck to stop. The man in the truck jumped out of it, and attacked my fiancé and started to choke him. Me being me, I tried getting involved to get the man to stop choking my fiancé. The man’s girlfriend came out of the truck and started yelling at her boyfriend to stop. The man then turned towards me, punched me straight in the face while still choking my fiancé. Then he figured out I was the easier target, so he let go of my fiancé and grabbed me and started punching my face over and over again, finally he stopped and smashed the back of my head off of his truck. Then him and his girlfriend drove off. We called the police and paramedics, this man broke my nose and fractured my cheek bone.

I am hoping Tj, if you’re apart of this group.. I want to say thank you soooo much for helping us out and speaking to the officers, my fiancé and I are ok. Unfortunately I got the worst end of it and I am really shaken up still, but I will be okay. Also to the family that also came up, I didn’t get your names but thank you so much for giving us your number to give to the police because you couldn’t stay because you had your kids with you. You all are truly amazing and I am so thankful that you all were there to witness what had happened.

The police still have not called me to inform me if they have found the man or not, but they did tell me they are pressing charges for sure.

So sorry for the long post, I just really wanted to thank these few people that were witnesses and helped out.


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November 22, 2022 4:37 pm

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