Venting, and a concern… please remove if not permitted.

Venting, and a concern… please remove if not permitted.

What the —- is wrong with people!!! Why can’t people keep their hands off things that don’t concern them!?
I had placed an old printer/photo copier near the curb by my house. It was free if anyone wanted to see if they could get running or salvage for parts or recycling.
Sometime between 1am and possibly 7am, someone decided to smash it, leaving plastic and glass all over the grass where kids and people walking their dogs often walk. We cleaned it up, but concerned that we may have missed glass.
I used to love our street. We had great neighbours and never any trouble. Just over a week ago someone was checking cars and got into mine and stole a camp knife I had in the console.. now this… nothing is safe. I won’t even leave a lawn chair outside overnight now…I wish I could move.. but that isn’t an option. I am beginning to hate living in barrie.. way too many people here now.


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April 24, 2024 6:07 pm

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